Youth Ministry

Programs for Junior High and Senior High Youth

Sunday Morning Program

Coming of Age

Our Whole Lives (OWL)


Youth Group

For youth in grade 9-12, we have an age-specify youth group that meets outside of the Sunday morning program.  We encourage this group to involve themselves in community building and socially responsible activities, with as much youth leadership as possible.

Senior High Youth Group
For registered youth in grades 9-12.
Advisors: Beth Trecasa, Chris Casa, Cassie McConville

Youth Adult Committee (YAC), a program of the Ohio Meadville District

The YRUU conferences here and in other nearby UU congregations are run by the Youth Adult Committee (YAC) of the Ohio Meadville District.    This YAC has adult and youth members from many congregations, and meets regularly to plan and coordinate these weekend conferences.   The Ohio Meadville district, or OMD for short, includes UU congregations in Ohio, New York State, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.  One OMD staff member works part time with the YAC and to support youth programs.

The YAC does a good job running these conferences.  There are agreed on rules to keep our youth safe and secure.

Attending a conference, or “con”


Each youth attending a con goes with a sponsor.  A sponsor is a responsible adult who attends, and participates in the conference.  Sponsors are present full time at the con, and expected to check in with their youth periodically during the con.  Sponsors can be parents, advisors, or other responsible adult.

IMPORTANT!! Before your youth registers, they must have done the following:
• Have a sponsor
• Spoken directly to and confirmed with that sponsor
• Confirmed that they have a seat in their sponsor’s vehicle BOTH WAYS
• Let their parent or guardian know that they are about to register
• Informed their parent or guardian what a CON even is
• Informed their DRE (Bethany Ward) that they are planning to register

Once they have done ALL of those things, they may begin the registration process online

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